
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Week 4 Day 5 Bonus Activity - Looking into the Future - Blade Runner 2049

Image result for blade runner 2049

The future!

What do you think Auckland will be like in 2080/90 what sort of houses would people live in what sort of food would people eat.

Image result for Robots from the futureI think that everyone would have new flash homes with robot voices inside to tell you information and what to do right what things your doing wrong and will be doing the dishes and wiping the table and doing things for their owners.
I also think that because technology is advancing so very quickly that think that there will be lots of robots in the future.
Now on to food, I dont think food will change too much, but we will have robots making it for us.

Do you think things will be any different to how they are now?
Comment below, this is my last blog post for my Summer Learning Journey, and I would like to thank you for following my journey.  I have enjoyed reading your responses and learning lots of new things.

If you want to feel free to continue to follow my blog, I will continue to post throughout the year with my learning at school.

Week 4 Day 4 Activity 2 - Contemporary Entertainment - Country Calendar

Image result for farming

Hey guys this blog post about why I wouldn't be a farmer when I grow up.

A Reason Why I wouldn't be a farmer Is because I don't think that I would have the perseverance to do lots of the tasks.
A challenging thing would be that you would have to be in charge and responsible for a lot of things and I don't like to be busy all the time I like to also have some chill time and I wouldn't be able to concentrate with all the things that I had to watch out for.
Image result for busy

Would you guys like to be a farmer?
Comment down below why or why not you would be a farmer and make sure to follow or more blog posts.

Week 3 Day 2 Bonus Activity - Peace Out! - The Three R's - Rugby, Racing and Running

Peter Snell is a amazing athlete in a lot of sports.
I have been given a task to use the website Canva to make a poster about Peter Snell including his sporting achievements and some of his interests.
Here is mine!

I hope you like the poster I have made.
How about you try to make your own and send me a screenshot. and dont forget to commet down bellow and follow for more blog

Week 4 Day 5 Activity 2 - Looking into the Future - Flying Cars

Have you ever thought about the future?

Which car would you choose?
I would probably choose the middle car because I do not like the look of the red car and it would be very scary yet awesome to have a flying car.
Flying cars is what everyone wants but I think that it would be very scary and you would have to have lots of practise for the flying car.

The four wheel drive looks like the perfect car for the conditions that I would like to use it in. I would use it for exploring and adventuring.

Which car would you choose to have? comment down below and follow for more posts.